1 Kas sevi labprāt ļaujas pārmācīt, tas taps gudrs; kas turpretī grib nesodīts būt, tas paliek apsmejams nepraša. —
2 Rimtais un dievbijīgais gūst mierinājumu no tā Kunga, bet sirdī jaunu tūru Viņš pazudina.
3 Bezdievīgs gars nenāk par svētību cilvēkam, bet taisno sakne pastāvēs joprojām.
4 Tikumiem apveltīta sieva ir sava vīra krāšņs vainags, bet ļauna ir kā sastrutojums viņa kaulos.
5 Taisno domas ir goda pilnas, bet bezdievīgo padomi ir krāpīgi.
6 Bezdievīgo runas izraisa asinsizliešanu, bet dievbijīgo un rimto mute paglābj. —
7 Bezdievīgie tiks gāzti un sagrauti, un viņu vairs nebūs, bet taisno nams pastāvēs.
8 Zinīga vīra padoms ir teicams un slavējams, bet blēži un viltnieki paliks kaunā.
9 Kas niecīgs un pazemīgs un tomēr godam veic pats savu darbu, ir labāks par to, kas gribētu būt lielisks, un kam tomēr trūkst maizes. —
10 Taisnais žēlo pat savus lopus, bet bezdievīgā sirds ir nežēlīga.
11 Kas savu zemi kopj, tam maizes būs papilnam, bet kas nevajadzīgām lietām pakaļ dzenas, tas ir neprātis.
12 Bezdievja prieks ir darīt zaudē-jumus, bet taisnā sakne nes augļus.
13 Ļaunais sapinas pats savu lūpu neīstos vārdos, bet taisnajam nelaime paiet secen.
14 Daudz laba sev iegūst vīrs ar savas mutes nopelniem, un cilvēkam tiek atlīdzināts pēc viņa roku veikuma. —
15 Neprašam šķiet viņa ceļš taisns viņa paša acīs, bet īstenā atziņa mīt tanī, kas uzklausa padomu.
16 Bezprātīgais tūliņ izrāda atklāti savas dusmas, bet kas apslēpj to, ka ir apkaunots, tas ir gudrs.
17 Kas ir patiess, tas saka atklāti visu, kas tiešs un pareizs, bet nepatiess liecinieks krāpj. —
18 Kas paradis neapdomīgi runāt un vienkārši muti palaist, nereti ieduf kā ar zobenu, bet zinīga cilvēka valoda ir kā dziedinātājas zāles.
19 Patiesības paudēja mute pastāv mūžīgi, bet nepatiesa valoda nepaliek ilgi. —
20 Krāpšana ir to sirdīs, kujri dod ļaunu padomu, bet tie, kas mudina uz mieru, sagādā prieku. —
21 Taisnajam nekas nekaitēs, bet bezdievji būs nelaimju pilni.
22 Nepatiesas pļāpu rīkles šķiet tam Kungam negantība, bet kas rīkojas uzticības garā, tas Viņam labi patīk.
23 Sapratīgs cilvēks necenšas savu gudrību visiem redzamu darīt, bet negudra cilvēka sirds izraisa pati savu negudrību.
24 Čakla roka valdīs, bet rokai, kas gausa un nolaidīga, būs jāveic piespiedu darbi.
25 Rūpes sirdī cilvēku sāpina, bet laipns vārds to iepriecina.
26 Taisnais rāda savam tuvākajam īsto ceļu, bet bezdievīgo ceļš ieved kārdinājumā un maldos viņus pašus. —
27 Sliņķis neceps savu medījumu, bet čakls cilvēks kļūst bagāts.
28 Uz taisnības ceļa ir dzīvība, bet noziegumu ceļš ved nāvē.
1 Any who love knowledge want to be told when they are wrong. It is stupid to hate being corrected.
2 The Lord is pleased with good people, but condemns those who plan evil.
3 Wickedness does not give security, but righteous people stand firm.
4 A good wife is her husband's pride and joy; but a wife who brings shame on her husband is like a cancer in his bones.
5 Honest people will treat you fairly; the wicked only want to deceive you.
6 The words of the wicked are murderous, but the words of the righteous rescue those who are threatened.
7 The wicked meet their downfall and leave no descendants, but the families of the righteous live on.
8 If you are intelligent, you will be praised; if you are stupid, people will look down on you.
9 It is better to be an ordinary person working for a living than to play the part of someone great but go hungry.
10 Good people take care of their animals, but wicked people are cruel to theirs.
11 A hard-working farmer has plenty to eat, but it is stupid to waste time on useless projects.
12 All that wicked people want is to find evil things to do, but the righteous stand firm.
13 The wicked are trapped by their own words, but honest people get themselves out of trouble.
14 Your reward depends on what you say and what you do; you will get what you deserve.
15 Stupid people always think they are right. Wise people listen to advice.
16 When a fool is annoyed, he quickly lets it be known. Smart people will ignore an insult.
17 When you tell the truth, justice is done, but lies lead to injustice.
18 Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words can heal.
19 A lie has a short life, but truth lives on forever.
20 Those who plan evil are in for a rude surprise, but those who work for good will find happiness.
21 Nothing bad happens to righteous people, but the wicked have nothing but trouble.
22 The Lord hates liars, but is pleased with those who keep their word.
23 Smart people keep quiet about what they know, but stupid people advertise their ignorance.
24 Hard work will give you power; being lazy will make you a slave.
25 Worry can rob you of happiness, but kind words will cheer you up.
26 The righteous person is a guide to his friend, but the path of the wicked leads them astray.
27 If you are lazy, you will never get what you are after, but if you work hard, you will get a fortune.
28 Righteousness is the road to life; wickedness is the road to death.