1 Tad nu ziniet, —Visuaugstais, tas Kungs Cebaots, atraus Jeruzalemei un Jūdai katru atbalstu un palīdzību, —palīdzību ar maizi un ūdeni,
2 Atņems varoņus un karavīrus, tiesnešus un praviešus, zīlniekus un vecajus,
3 Virsniekus, cienījamus vīrus un padomniekus, dažādu mākslu pratējus un vainu apvārdotājus.
4 Zēnus Es viņiem došu par virsniekiem, un vieglprātīgi neprašas valdīs pār tiem.
5 Tauta būs apspiesta, cits citam māksies virsū, katrs savam tuvākam; zēns uzstāsies pret sirmgalvi un palaidnis pret cienības pilno.
6 Ja tad nu kāds savu brāli pierunās, sava tēva namā sacīdams: „Tev ir vēl mētelis, tev jābūt mūsu priekšniekam, un šī drupu kaudze lai paliek tavā pārvaldībā!“
7 Tad viņš tam tanī pat dienā atbildēs un sacīs: „Nē, es negribu būt brūču dziedinātājs, man mājās nav ne maizes, ne drēbju. Neceliet mani par tautas atbildīgo galvu, par tautas galveno vadoni!“
8 Jo Jeruzāleme brūk kopā, un Jūda kritīs, tādēļ ka viņu mēle un darbi ir pret to Kungu, lai kaitinātu Viņa cildenuma pilnās acis.
9 Viņu nekautrīgā sejas izteiksme un viņu nostāja liecina pret viņiem, par saviem grēkiem tie runā atklāti, kā citkārt sodomieši, un tos neslēpj. Bēdas viņu dvēselēm, jo viņi paši sev dara ļaunu!
10 Lieciniet par taisno, ka viņam labi klāsies, jo viņš baudīs sava darba augļus.
11 Bet bēdas bezdievim! Jo viņam labi nebūs: viņam atmaksās pēc viņa roku darba.
12 Ak mana tauta! Tās vadoņi ir bērni, un sievietes valda pār viņu. Ak mana tauta! Tavi vadoņi ir tavi maldi-nātāji, viņi padara neejamu to ceļu, pa kuru tev jāstaigā.
13 Tas Kungs ceļas, lai darītu zināmu savu sūdzību, lai spriestu tiesu pār tautām.
14 Tas Kungs nāk tiesāt savas tautas vecajus un priekšniekus: „Jūs tur, jūs esat noganījuši un nopostījuši vīna dārzu! Nabagiem nolaupītā manta ir jūsu namos!
15 Kā jūs uzdrošināties postīt manu tautu un nežēlīgi mīt dubļos nabagu ļaužu cilvēcisko cieņu?“ —tā saka tas Kungs Cebaots.
16 Tad vēl tas Kungs saka: Tādēļ ka Ciānas meitas ir kļuvušas uzpūtīgas un lepnas, staigā ar paceltu galvu un izkrāšļotu seju, raida visapkārt nekautrī-gus skatus un tipina sīkiem solīšiem, priecādamās par savu dārgo kurpju greznajām sprādzēm un skandinādamas ar to važiņām un sīciņiem zvārgulīšiem,
17 Tad tas Visuvarenais Kungs padarīs Ciānas meitām galvu pliku, un tas Kungs atsegs viņu kaunumu.
18 Tanī dienā tas Kungs atņems viņām viņu rotas: kāju sprādzītes, pieres saites un pusmēnešus,
19 Auskarus, rokas sprādzes un plīvurus,
20 Galvas segas, kāju un kurpju važiņas, arī skaistās jostas, smaržas trauciņus un amuletus,
21 Roku gredzenus un deguna sloksnītes,
22 Svētku tērpus un mēteļus, sagšainos lakatus un somiņas,
23 Rokas spoguļus un dārgos kreklus, cepures un apmetņus.
24 Tad būs smalko smaržu vietā puvuma smaka un jostas vietā virves gals, matu sprogu vietā plika galva, svētku rotas vietā maisa apvalks, skaistuma vietā kauna traips!
25 Tavi izcilie tūri kritīs no zobena un tavs kārtējais kajraspēks vispārējā kaujā.
26 Un Ciānas pilsētas vārti čikstēs un skums, un tā iztukšota sēdēs pie zemes.
Chaos in Jerusalem
1 Now the Lord, the Almighty Lord, is about to take away from Jerusalem and Judah everything and everyone that the people depend on. He is going to take away their food and their water, 2 their heroes and their soldiers, their judges and their prophets, their fortunetellers and their statesmen, 3 their military and civilian leaders, their politicians and everyone who uses magic to control events. 4 The Lord will let the people be governed by immature boys. 5 Everyone will take advantage of everyone else. Young people will not respect their elders, and worthless people will not respect their superiors.
6 A time will come when the members of a clan will choose one of their number and say to him, “You at least have something to wear, so be our leader in this time of trouble.”
7 But he will answer, “Not me! I can't help you. I don't have any food or clothes either. Don't make me your leader!”
8 Yes, Jerusalem is doomed! Judah is collapsing! Everything they say and do is against the Lord; they openly insult God himself. 9 Their prejudices will be held against them. They sin as openly as the people of Sodom did. They are doomed, and they have brought it on themselves.
10 The righteous will be happy, and things will go well for them. They will get to enjoy what they have worked for. 11 But evil people are doomed; what they have done to others will now be done to them.
12 Moneylenders oppress my people, and their creditors cheat them.
My people, your leaders are misleading you, so that you do not know which way to turn.
The Lord Judges His People
13 The Lord is ready to state his case; he is ready to judge his people. 14 The Lord is bringing the elders and leaders of his people to judgment. He makes this accusation: “You have plundered vineyards, and your houses are full of what you have taken from the poor. 15 You have no right to crush my people and take advantage of the poor. I, the Sovereign Lord Almighty, have spoken.”
A Warning to the Women of Jerusalem
16 The Lord said, “Look how proud the women of Jerusalem are! They walk along with their noses in the air. They are always flirting. They take dainty little steps, and the bracelets on their ankles jingle. 17 But I will punish them—I will shave their heads and leave them bald.”
18 A day is coming when the Lord will take away from the women of Jerusalem everything they are so proud of—the ornaments they wear on their ankles, on their heads, on their necks, 19 and on their wrists. He will take away their veils 20 and their hats; the magic charms they wear on their arms and at their waists; 21 the rings they wear on their fingers and in their noses; 22 all their fine robes, gowns, cloaks, and purses; 23 their revealing garments, their linen handkerchiefs, and the scarves and long veils they wear on their heads.
24 Instead of using perfumes, they will stink; instead of fine belts, they will wear coarse ropes; instead of having beautiful hair, they will be bald; instead of fine clothes, they will be dressed in rags; their beauty will be turned to shame!
25 The men of the city, yes, even the strongest men, will be killed in war. 26 The city gates will mourn and cry, and the city itself will be like a woman sitting on the ground, stripped naked.