1 Un viņš uz tiem sacīja: „Patiesi es jums saku: daži no tiem, kas še stāv, nāvi nebaudīs, pirms tie nebūs redzējuši Dieva valstību ar spēku nākam.“
2 Un pēc sešām dienām Jēzus ņēma līdz Pēteri, Jēkabu un Jāni un tos veda savrup augstā kalnā.
3 Un viņš tapa apskaidrots viņu priekšā, un viņa drēbes tapa spožas un ļoti baltas, kā neviens balinātājs virs zemes tās nevar balināt,
4 Un tiem parādījās Ēlija ar Mozu un runāja ar Jēzu.
5 Un Pēteris griežas pie Jēzus un saka: „Mācītāj, šeit mums labi; taisīsim trīs teltis—vienu tev, vienu Mozum un vienu Elijam.“
6 Jo viņš nezināja, ko runāja; jo tie bija pārbijušies.
7 Un padebess nāca, tos apēnodama; un balss nāca no padebess: „Šis ir mans mīļais dēls, klausait viņu!“
8 Un tūdaļ tie skatījās visapkārt un nevienu vairs pie sevis neredzēja, kā vien Jēzu.
9 Un nokāpjot no kalna, viņš tiem piekodināja nevienam nesacīt, ko tie redzējuši, pirms Cilvēka Dēls nebūs augšām cēlies no miroņiem.
10 Un tie to vārdu paturēja pie sevis, pārrunādami savā starpā, kas tas esot: no miroņiem augšām celties.
11 Un tie viņam jautāja: „Kā tad rakstu mācītāji saka: Ēlijam jānāk pa-priekšu?“
12 Bet viņš uz tiem sacīja: „Gan Ēlija papriekšu nākdams visu atkal sataisīs; bet kā tad ir rakstīts par Cilvēka Dēlu, ka tam būs daudz riest un tapt nicinātam?
13 Bet es jums saku, ka ari Elija ir nācis, un ue tam ir darījuši ko gribēdami, tā kā par to ir rakstīts.“
14 Un nākuši pie mācekļiem, viņi redzēja daudz ļaužu pie tiem un rakstu mācītājus, kas ar tiem sarunājās.
15 Un tūdaļ visi ļaudis, kas viņu redzēja, izbijās un pieskrējuši to sveici-nāja.
16 Un viņš tiem vaicāja: „Ko jūs ar tiem runājāt?“
17 Un viens no ļaudīm tam atbildēja: „Mācītāj, es savu dēlu pie tevis esmu atvedis, tam ir mēms gars.
18 Un kad tas viņu sakampj, tad tas to rausta; un viņš puto un griež zobus un sastingst; un es taviem mācekļiem esmu sacījis, lai tie to izdzen, bet viņi nevarēja.“
19 Bet viņš tiem atbildēja un sacīja: „Ak tu neticīgā cilts! Cik ilgi es pie jums būšu? Cik ilgi es jūs panesīšu? Vediet to pie manis.“
20 Un tie to atveda pie viņa. Un kad tas viņu redzēja, tad tas gars tūdaļ to raustīja, un tas, pie zemes krizdams, putodams vārtījās.
21 Un viņš jautāja viņa tēvam: „Cik ilgi viņam tas tā jau ir?“ Bet tas viņam sacīja: „No bērnības.
22 Un daudzkārt viņš to ir iemetis 1 gan ugunī, gan ūdenī, lai to nogalinātu; I bet ja tu ko spēji, tad palīdzi mums, apžēlojies par mums.“
23 Bet Jēzus uz to sacīja: „Tu saki: ja tu spēji! Kaut tu varētu ticēt! Tas visu spēj, kas tic.“
24 Un tūdaļ tā bērna tēvs brēca un sacīja: „Es ticu, palīdzi manai neticībai!“
25 Bet Jēzus, redzēdams, ka ļaudis satecēja, apdraudēja nešķisto garu, uz to sacīdams: „Tu mēmais un kurlais gars, es tev pavēlu, izej ārā no tā un neieej vairs viņā.“
26 Un tas izgāja, brēkdams un to stipri raustīdams, un viņš kļuva līdzīgs mironim, tā ka daudzi sacīja: „Tas ir nomiris.“
27 Bet Jēzus to ņēma pie rokas un piecēla, un tas uzcēlās.
28 Un kad viņš namā bija iegājis, viņa mācekļi tam savrup jautāja: „Kāpēc mēs nespējām to izdzīt?“
29 Un viņš tiem sacīja: „Šī suga citādi nevar iziet, kā vien ar Dieva lūgšanu.“
30 Un tie, no turienes izgājuši, pārstaigāja Galileju, un viņš negribēja, ka to kāds zinātu,
31 Jo viņš savus mācekļus mācīja un uz tiem sacīja: „Cilvēka Dēlu nodos cilvēku rokās, un tie to nokaus, un nokauts, viņš pēc trim dienām celsies augšām.“
32 Bet tie šo vārdu nesaprata un bijās vimt-jatltāf.“
33 Un viņš nāca Kapernaumā, un mājās būdams, viņš tiem jautāja: „Par I ko jūs runājāt ceļā?“
34 Bet tie cieta klusu; jo tie savā starpā bija sarunājušies ceļā, kujrš esot lielākais.
35 Un viņš apsēdies atsauca tos divpadsmit un tiem saka: „Ja kas grib būt pirmais, tas lai ir no visiem pēdējais un visu kalps.“
36 Un viņš ņēma kādu bērnu, to nostatīja viņu vidū un, to apkampis, uz tiem sacīja:
37 „Ja kas vienu no šiem bērniem uzņem manā vārdā, tas mani uzņem; bet, kas mani uzņem, tas neuzņem mani, bet vto, kas mani sūtījis.“
38 Jānis tanr sarija: „Mācītāj, mēs kādu redzējām tavā vārdā izdzenam ļaunus garus. Tas neturas pie mums, un mēs tam to esam lieguši, tāpēc ka tas neturas pie mums.“
39 Bet Jēzus sacīja: „Neliedziet vi-ņam, jo neviens nedara brīnumu manā vārdā, kas tūdaļ par mani varētu runāt ļaunu.
40 Jo, kas nav pret mums, tas ir ar mums.
41 Jo, ja kāds jūs dzirdinās ar kausu ūdens tāpēc, ka jūs Kristum piederat, patiesi es jums saku: tam viņa alga nezudīs.
42 Un ja kas apgrēcina kādu no šiem mazajiem, kas tic uz mani, tam būtu labāki, ja tam dzirnu akmeni pie kakla piekārtu un to iemestu jūrā.
43 Jeb ja tevi tava roka apgrēcina, nocērt to; tev ir labāki kā kroplim ieiet dzīvībā, nekā ar divām rokām noiet ellē, neizdzēšamā ugunī.
44 [Kur viņu tārps nemirst un uguns neizdziest.]
45 Un ja tava kāja tevi apgrēcina, tad nocērt to: tev ir labāki, ka tu tizls noeji dzīvībā, nekā kad tev ir divas kājas un tu topi mests ellē.
[46 Kur viņu tārps nemirst, un uguns neizdziest.]
47 Un ja tava acs tevi apgrēcina, izrauj to; tev ir labāki ar vienu aci ieiet Dieva valstībā, nekā kad tev ir divas acis, un tu topi iemests ellē.
48 Kur viņu tārps nemirst, un uguns neizdziest.
49 Jo ikviens ugunī taps sālīts.
50 Sāls ir laba lieta, bet ja sāls tapusi nesāliga, ar ko tad jūs to darīsit derīgu? Turiet sāli sevī un turiet mieru savā starpā.“
1 I can assure you that some of the people standing here will not die before they see God's kingdom come with power.
The True Glory of Jesus
(Matthew 17.1-13Luke 9.28-36)
2 Six days later Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him. They went up on a high mountain, where they could be alone. There in front of the disciples, Jesus was completely changed. 3 And his clothes became much whiter than any bleach on earth could make them. 4 Then Elijah and Moses appeared and were talking with Jesus.
5 Peter said to Jesus, “Teacher, it is good for us to be here! Let us make three shelters, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” 6 But Peter and the others were terribly frightened, and he did not know what he was talking about.
7 The shadow of a cloud passed over and covered them. From the cloud a voice said, “This is my Son, and I love him. Listen to what he says!” 8 At once the disciples looked around, but they saw only Jesus.
9 As Jesus and his disciples were coming down the mountain, he told them not to say a word about what they had seen, until the Son of Man had been raised from death. 10 So they kept it to themselves. But they wondered what he meant by the words “raised from death.”
11 The disciples asked Jesus, “Don't the teachers of the Law of Moses say that Elijah must come before the Messiah does?”
12 Jesus answered:
Elijah certainly will come to get everything ready. But don't the Scriptures also say that the Son of Man must suffer terribly and be rejected? 13 I can assure you that Elijah has already come. And people treated him just as they wanted to, as the Scriptures say they would.
Jesus Heals a Boy
(Matthew 17.14-20Luke 9.37-43a)
14 When Jesus and his three disciples came back down, they saw a large crowd around the other disciples. The teachers of the Law of Moses were arguing with them.
15 The crowd was really surprised to see Jesus, and everyone hurried over to greet him.
16 Jesus asked, “What are you arguing about?”
17 Someone from the crowd answered, “Teacher, I brought my son to you. A demon keeps him from talking. 18 Whenever the demon attacks my son, it throws him to the ground and makes him foam at the mouth and grit his teeth in pain. Then he becomes stiff. I asked your disciples to force out the demon, but they couldn't do it.”
19 Jesus said, “You people don't have any faith! How much longer must I be with you? Why do I have to put up with you? Bring the boy to me.”
20 They brought the boy, and as soon as the demon saw Jesus, it made the boy shake all over. He fell down and began rolling on the ground and foaming at the mouth.
21 Jesus asked the boy's father, “How long has he been like this?”
The man answered, “Ever since he was a child. 22 The demon has often tried to kill him by throwing him into a fire or into water. Please have pity and help us if you can!”
23 Jesus replied, “Why do you say ‘if you can’? Anything is possible for someone who has faith!”
24 At once the boy's father shouted, “I do have faith! Please help me to have even more.”
25 When Jesus saw that a crowd was gathering fast, he spoke sternly to the evil spirit that had kept the boy from speaking or hearing. He said, “I order you to come out of the boy! Don't ever bother him again.”
26 The spirit screamed and made the boy shake all over. Then it went out of him. The boy looked dead, and almost everyone said he was. 27 But Jesus took hold of his hand and helped him stand up.
28 After Jesus and the disciples had gone back home and were alone, they asked him, “Why couldn't we force out that demon?”
29 Jesus answered, “Only prayer can force out this kind of demon.”
Jesus Again Speaks about His Death
(Matthew 17.22Matthew 23Luke 9.43b-45)
30 Jesus left with his disciples and started through Galilee. He did not want anyone to know about it, 31 because he was teaching the disciples that the Son of Man would be handed over to people who would kill him. But three days later he would rise to life. 32 The disciples did not understand what Jesus meant, and they were afraid to ask.
Who Is the Greatest?
(Matthew 18.1-5Luke 9.46-48)
33 Jesus and his disciples went to his home in Capernaum. After they were inside the house, Jesus asked them, “What were you arguing about along the way?” 34 They had been arguing about which one of them was the greatest, and so they did not answer.
35 After Jesus sat down and told the twelve disciples to gather around him, he said, “If you want the place of honor, you must become a slave and serve others!”
36 Then Jesus asked a child to stand near him. He put his arm around the child and said, 37 “When you welcome even a child because of me, you welcome me. And when you welcome me, you welcome the one who sent me.”
For or against Jesus
(Luke 9.49Luke 50)
38 John said, “Teacher, we saw a man using your name to force demons out of people. But he wasn't one of us, and we told him to stop.”
39 Jesus said to his disciples:
Don't stop him! No one who works miracles in my name will soon turn and say something bad about me. 40 Anyone who isn't against us is for us. 41 And anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name, just because you belong to me, will surely be rewarded.
Temptations To Sin
(Matthew 18.6-9Luke 17.1Luke 2)
42 It will be terrible for people who cause even one of my little followers to sin. Those people would be better off thrown into the ocean with a heavy stone tied around their necks. 43-44 So if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off! You would be better off to go into life paralyzed than to have two hands and be thrown into the fires of hell that never go out. 45-46 If your foot causes you to sin, chop it off. You would be better off to go into life lame than to have two feet and be thrown into hell. 47 If your eye causes you to sin, get rid of it. You would be better off to go into God's kingdom with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell. 48 The worms there never die, and the fire never stops burning.
49 Everyone must be salted with fire.
50 Salt is good. But if it no longer tastes like salt, how can it be made salty again? Have salt among you and live at peace with each other.