1 „Jo debesu valstība ir līdzīga nama tēvam, kas rīta agrumā izgāja strādniekus derēt savā vīna kalnā.
2 Un saderējis strādniekus par vienu denariju kā dienas algu, viņš nosūtīja tos savā vīna kalnā.
3 Un viņš izgāja ap trešo stundu un redzēja vēl citus pie tirgus bez darba stāvam
4 Un sacīja tiem: Noeita ir jūs vīna kalnā, es jums došu, kas nākas.
5 Un tie nogāja. Atkal viņš izgāja ap sesto un devīto stundu un darīja tāpat.
6 Bet ap vienpadsmito stundu izgājis, viņš atrada vēl kādus stāvam un saka tiem: Ko jūs visu dienu šeit stāvat bez darba?
7 Tie viņam saka: Neviens mūs nav derējis. Viņš saka tiem: Eita jūs arīdzan vīna kalnā, un kas nākas, to jūs dabūsit.
8 Bet kad vakars metās, vīna kalna kungs saka savam uzraugam: Pasauc strādniekus un izmaksā tiem algu, iesāc ar pēdējiem un beidz ar pirmajiem.
9 Tad atnāca tie, kas bija derēti ap vienpadsmito stundu, un katrs dabūja pa denarijam.
10 Un kad pirmie atnāca, tie cerēja dabūt vairāk; bet arī viņi dabūja katrs pa denarijam.
11 To saņēmuši, viņi kurnēja pret nama tēvu
12 Un sacīja: Šie pēdējie strādāja vienu vien stundu, un tu tos pielīdzināji mums, kas dienas nastu un karstumu esam cietuši.
13 Bet viņš atbildēja un sacīja vienam no tiem: Draugs, es tev nedaru netaisnību. Vai tu ar mani neesi saderējis par vienu denariju?
14 Ņem, kas tev pieder, un ej; bet šim pēdējam es gribu dot tikpat daudz kā tev.
15 Vai tad man nav tiesības darīt ar savu mantu, kā es gribu? Jeb vai tava acs ir skaudīga, ka es esmu labs?
16 Tā pēdējie būs pirmie, un pirmie pēdējie. [Jo daudz ir aicinātu, bet maz izredzētu.]“
17 Bet dodamies ceļā uz Jeruzālemi, Jēzus ņēma divpadsmit mācekļus pie sevis un iedams tiem sacīja:
18 „Redzi, mēs aizejam uz Jeruzālemi, un Cilvēka Dēlu nodos augstiem priesteriem un rakstu mācītājiem; un tie viņu notiesās uz nāvi
19 Un nodos pagāniem, lai tie viņu apmēdītu, šaustu un sistu krustā; un trešā dienā viņš celsies augšām.“
20 Tad Cebedeja dēlu māte nāca ar saviem dēliem pie viņa, metās zemē un lūdza ko no viņa.
21 Un viņš tai sacīja: „Ko tu gribi?“ Viņa saka uz to: „Saki, lai šie mani abi dēli sēd tavā valstībā viens tev pa labo, otrs pa kreiso roku.“
22 Bet Jēzus atbildēja un sacīja: „Jūs nezināt, ko lūdzat. Vai jūs varat dzert to kausu, ko es dzeršu? Tie saka uz viņu: „Varam gan.“
23 Un viņš saka tiem: „Manu kausu jums būs gan dzert, bet sēdēt pie manas labās un kreisās rokas, to dot man nepiederas; tas pienākas tiem, kam mans Tēvs to sagādājis.“
24 Un kad tie desmit to dzirdēja, viņi apskaitās par šiem diviem brāļiem.
25 Bet Jēzus pieaicināja tos un sacīja: „Jūs zināt, ka valdnieki ir kungi pār tautām, un lielie kungi tās apspiež.
26 Bet pie jums tā nebūs būt; bet, kas no jums grib būt liels, tas lai ir jūsu sulainis.
27 Un ja kas jūsu starpā grib būt pirmais, tas lai ir jūsu kalps;
28 Tā kā Cilvēka Dēls nav nācis, lai viņam kalpotu, bet ka viņš kalpotu un atdotu savu dzīvību kā atpirkšanas maksu par daudziem.“
29 Un kad tie izgāja no Jērikas, daudz ļaužu tiem sekoja.
30 Un redzi, divi akli sēdēja ceļmalā; kad tie dzirdēja Jēzu garām ejam, tie brēca un sacīja: „Kungs, tu Dāvida dēls, apžēlojies par mums!“
31 Bet ļaudis apsauca tos, ka tie klusu ciestu; bet tie brēca vēl vairāk un sacīja: „Kungs, tu Dāvida dēls, apžēlojies par mums!“
32 Un Jēzus apstājās, pasauca tos un sacīja: „Ko jūs gribat, lai es jums daru?“
33 Tie saka uz viņu: „Kungs, ka mūsu acis tiktu atdarītas.“
34 Jēzum palika viņu žēl, un viņš aizkāra to acis, un tie tūdaļ kļuva atkal redzīgi un viņam sekoja.
Workers in a Vineyard
1 As Jesus was telling what the kingdom of heaven would be like, he said:
Early one morning a man went out to hire some workers for his vineyard. 2 After he had agreed to pay them the usual amount for a day's work, he sent them off to his vineyard.
3 About nine that morning, the man saw some other people standing in the market with nothing to do. 4 He promised to pay them what was fair, if they would work in his vineyard. 5 So they went.
At noon and again about three in the afternoon he returned to the market. And each time he made the same agreement with others who were loafing around with nothing to do.
6 Finally, about five in the afternoon the man went back and found some others standing there. He asked them, “Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?”
7 “Because no one has hired us,” they answered. Then he told them to go work in his vineyard.
8 That evening the owner of the vineyard told the man in charge of the workers to call them in and give them their money. He also told the man to begin with the ones who were hired last. 9 When the workers arrived, the ones who had been hired at five in the afternoon were given a full day's pay.
10 The workers who had been hired first thought they would be given more than the others. But when they were given the same, 11 they began complaining to the owner of the vineyard. 12 They said, “The ones who were hired last worked for only one hour. But you paid them the same that you did us. And we worked in the hot sun all day long!”
13 The owner answered one of them, “Friend, I didn't cheat you. I paid you exactly what we agreed on. 14 Take your money now and go! What business is it of yours if I want to pay them the same that I paid you? 15 Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Why should you be jealous, if I want to be generous?”
16 Jesus then said, “So it is. Everyone who is now last will be first, and everyone who is first will be last.”
Jesus Again Tells about His Death
(Mark 10.32-34Luke 18.31-34)
17 As Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, he took his twelve disciples aside and told them in private:
18 We are now on our way to Jerusalem, where the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the teachers of the Law of Moses. They will sentence him to death, 19 and then they will hand him over to foreigners who will make fun of him. They will beat him and nail him to a cross. But on the third day he will rise from death.
A Mother's Request
(Mark 10.35-45)
20 The mother of James and John came to Jesus with her two sons. She knelt down and started begging him to do something for her. 21 Jesus asked her what she wanted, and she said, “When you come into your kingdom, please let one of my sons sit at your right side and the other at your left.”
22 Jesus answered, “Not one of you knows what you are asking. Are you able to drink from the cup that I must soon drink from?”
James and John said, “Yes, we are!”
23 Jesus replied, “You certainly will drink from my cup! But it isn't for me to say who will sit at my right side and at my left. This is for my Father to say.”
24 When the ten other disciples heard this, they were angry with the two brothers. 25 But Jesus called the disciples together and said:
You know foreign rulers like to order their people around. And their great leaders have full power over everyone they rule. 26 But don't act like them. If you want to be great, you must be the servant of all the others. 27 And if you want to be first, you must be the slave of the rest. 28 The Son of Man did not come to be a slave master, but a slave who will give his life to rescue many people.
Jesus Heals Two Blind Men
(Mark 10.46-52Luke 18.35-43)
29 Jesus was followed by a large crowd as he and his disciples were leaving Jericho. 30 Two blind men were sitting beside the road. And when they heard that Jesus was coming their way, they shouted, “Lord and Son of David, have pity on us!”
31 The crowd told them to be quiet, but they shouted even louder, “Lord and Son of David, have pity on us!”
32 When Jesus heard them, he stopped and asked, “What do you want me to do for you?”
33 They answered, “Lord, we want to see!”
34 Jesus felt sorry for them and touched their eyes. At once they could see, and they became his followers.