1 Tad rakstu mācītāji un farizēji nāca no Jeruzālemes pie Jēzus un sacīja:
2 „Kāpēc tavi mācekļi pārkāpj vecaju likumus? Jo tie rokas nemazgā, kad ēd maizi.“
3 Bet viņš atbildēja un tiem sacīja: „Kāpēc tad jūs ari pārkāpjat Dieva pavēli savu likumu dēļ?
4 Jo Dievs ir pavēlējis: godā savu tēvu un mātil un: kas tēvu vai māti nolād, tam būs mirt.
5 Bet jūs mācāt: ja kas sakot uz savu tēvu vai māti: kas tev no manis nāktos, lai ir Dievam par upuri, tam nevajagot vairs godāt savu tēvu vai māti.
6 Tā jūs atceļat Dieva vārdus savu likumu dēļ.
7 Jūs liekuļi! Jesaja ir pareizi par jums sludinājis, sacīdams:
8 Šī tauta godā mani ar savām lūpām, bet viņu sirds ir tālu nost no manis.
9 Bet velti tie mani godā, sludinādami mācības, kas ir cilvēku likumi.“
10 Un viņš pieaicināja ļaudis pie sevis un sacīja tiem: „Klausaities un saprotiet!
11 Ne, kas mutē ieiet, sagāna cilvēku; bet, kas nomutēs iziet, tas sagāna cilvēku.“
12 Tad mācekļi pienāca pie viņa un uz to sacīja: „Vai tu zini, ka farizēji, tavus vārdus dzirdēdami, ņēma apgrē-cību?“
13 Bet viņš atbildēja un sacīja: „Visi dēsti, ko mans debesu Tēvs nav dēstījis, tiks izrauti ar saknēm.
14 Atstājiet tos! Tie ir akli akliem ceļa rādītāji; bet, ja akls aklam ceļu rāda, tad abi divi iekritis bedrē.“
15 Bet Pēteris atbildēja un uz viņu sacīja: „Izstāsti mums šo līdzību.“
16 Un Jēzus sacīja: „Vai tad ir jūs vēl esat nesaprašas?
17 Vai tad jūs nesaprotat, ka viss, kas ieiet mutē, noiet vēderā un tiek izmests laukā.
18 Bet kas no mutes iziet, tas nāk no sirds, un tas sagāna cilvēku.
19 Jo no sirds iziet ļaunas domas, slepkavība, laulības pārkāpšana, nešķī-stība, zādzība, nepatiesa liecība, zaimi.
20 Viss tas sagāna cilvēku, bet ēšana ar nemazgātām rokām cilvēku nesagāna.“
21 Un no turienes Jēzus aizgāja un atkāpās Tiras un Sidonas robežās.
22 Un redzi, viena kānaniešu sieva, kas nāca no tām pašām robežām, brēca un sacīja: „Ak Kungs, tu Dāvida Dēls, apžēlojies par mani! Manu meitu ļauns gars nežēlīgi moka.“
23 Bet viņš tai neatbildēja neviena vārda. Tad viņa mācekļi pienāca, lūdza to un sacīja: „Atlaidi to, jo tā brēc mums pakaļ.“
24 Bet viņš atbildēja un sacīja: „Es esmu sūtīts vienīgi pie Israēla cilts pazudušajām avīm.“
25 Bet tā nāca, metās viņa priekšā zemē un sacīja: „Kungs, palīdzi man!“
26 Bet viņš atbildēja un sacīja: „Neklājas bērniem maizi atņemt un to nomest suņiem priekšā.“
27 Bet viņa sacīja: „Tā gan, Kungs! Bet tomēr sunīši ēd 110 druskām, kas nokrīt no viņu kungu galda.“
28 Tad Jēzus atbildēja un tai sacīja: „Ak sieva, tava ticība ir liela, lai tev notiek, kā tu gribi.“ Un viņas meita kļuva vesela tai pašā stundā.
29 Un Jēzus aizgāja no turienes; viņš nāca pie Galilejas jūpas, uzkāpa kalnā un tur apsēdās.
30 Un daudz ļaužu atnāca pie viņa un atveda sev līdzi tizlus, kropļus, aklus, mēmus un daudz citu un nolika tos pie Jēzus kājām, un viņš dziedināja tos,
31 Tā ka ļaudis brīnījās, redzēdami mēmus runājam, kropļus veselus, tizlus staigājam un aklus redzam, un viņi slavēja Israēla Dievu.
32 Un Jēzus, pieaicinājis savus mācekļus, sacīja tiem: „Mana sirds iežēlojas par šiem ļaudīm; jo tie jau trīs dienas pie manis palikuši, un tiem nav ko ēst. Es negribu tos neēdušus atlaist, ka tie ceļā nenonīkst.“
33 Un mācekļi uz to sacīja: „Kur lai ņemam šeitan tuksnesī tik daudz maizes lai paēdinātu tādu pulku ļaužu?“
34 Un Jēzus tiem sacīja: „Cik ir jums maizes?“ Tie atbildēja: „Septiņas un kāds mazums zivtiņu.“
35 Un viņš lika ļaudīm apsēsties zemē,
36 Ņēma tās septiņas maizes un tās zivis, pateicās, pārlauza un deva tās mācekļiem, un mācekli ļaudīm.
37 Un viņi ēda un paēda, un no atlikušām druskām salasīja septiņus grozus pilnus.
38 Bet to, kas ēduši, bija četri tūkstoši vīru, neskaitot sievas un bērnus.
39 Un viņš atlaida ļaudis, kāpa laivā un nonāca Magadanas robežās.
The Teaching of the Ancestors
(Mark 7.1-13)
1 About this time some Pharisees and teachers of the Law of Moses came from Jerusalem. They asked Jesus, 2 “Why don't your disciples obey what our ancestors taught us to do? They don't even wash their hands before they eat.”
3 Jesus answered:
Why do you disobey God and follow your own teaching? 4 Didn't God command you to respect your father and mother? Didn't he tell you to put to death all who curse their parents? 5 But you let people get by without helping their parents when they should. You let them say that what they have has been offered to God. 6 Is this any way to show respect to your parents? You ignore God's commands in order to follow your own teaching. 7 And you are nothing but show-offs! Isaiah the prophet was right when he wrote that God had said,

8 “All of you praise me
with your words,
but you never really
think about me.
9 It is useless for you
to worship me,
when you teach rules
made up by humans.”
What Really Makes People Unclean
(Mark 7.14-23)
10 Jesus called the crowd together and said, “Pay attention and try to understand what I mean. 11 The food you put into your mouth doesn't make you unclean and unfit to worship God. The bad words that come out of your mouth are what make you unclean.”
12 Then his disciples came over to him and asked, “Do you know you insulted the Pharisees by what you said?”
13 Jesus answered, “Every plant that my Father in heaven did not plant will be pulled up by the roots. 14 Stay away from those Pharisees! They are like blind people leading other blind people, and all of them will fall into a ditch.”
15 Peter replied, “What did you mean when you talked about the things that make people unclean?”
16 Jesus then said:
Don't any of you know by now what I am talking about? 17 Don't you know that the food you put into your mouth goes into your stomach and then out of your body? 18 But the words that come out of your mouth come from your heart. And they are what make you unfit to worship God. 19 Out of your heart come evil thoughts, murder, unfaithfulness in marriage, vulgar deeds, stealing, telling lies, and insulting others. 20 These are what make you unclean. Eating without washing your hands will not make you unfit to worship God.
A Woman's Faith
(Mark 7.24-30)
21 Jesus left and went to the territory near the towns of Tyre and Sidon. 22 Suddenly a Canaanite woman from there came out shouting, “Lord and Son of David, have pity on me! My daughter is full of demons.” 23 Jesus did not say a word. But the woman kept following along and shouting, so his disciples came up and asked him to send her away.
24 Jesus said, “I was sent only to the people of Israel! They are like a flock of lost sheep.”
25 The woman came closer. Then she knelt down and begged, “Please help me, Lord!”
26 Jesus replied, “It isn't right to take food away from children and feed it to dogs.”
27 “Lord, this is true,” the woman said, “but even puppies get the crumbs that fall from their owner's table.”
28 Jesus answered, “Dear woman, you really do have a lot of faith, and you will be given what you want.” At that moment her daughter was healed.
Jesus Heals Many People
29 From there, Jesus went along Lake Galilee. Then he climbed a hill and sat down. 30 Large crowds came and brought many people who were paralyzed or blind or lame or unable to talk. They placed them, and many others, in front of Jesus, and he healed them all. 31 Everyone was amazed at what they saw and heard. People who had never spoken could now speak. The lame were healed, the paralyzed could walk, and the blind were able to see. Everyone was praising the God of Israel.
Jesus Feeds Four Thousand
(Mark 8.1-10)
32 Jesus called his disciples together and told them, “I feel sorry for these people. They have been with me for three days, and they don't have anything to eat. I don't want to send them away hungry. They might faint on their way home.”
33 His disciples said, “This place is like a desert. Where can we find enough food to feed such a crowd?”
34 Jesus asked them how much food they had. They replied, “Seven small loaves of bread and a few little fish.”
35 After Jesus had told the people to sit down, 36 he took the seven loaves of bread and the fish and gave thanks. He then broke them and handed them to his disciples, who passed them around to the crowds.
37 Everyone ate all they wanted, and the leftovers filled seven large baskets.
38 There were 4,000 men who ate, not counting the women and children.
39 After Jesus had sent the crowds away, he got into a boat and sailed across the lake. He came to shore near the town of Magadan.