1 „Kad starp vīriem ir kādas nesaskaņas un tie nāk pie tiesas, tad lai pār tiem spriež tiesu: taisnais lai tiek attaisnots, bet netaisnais lai tiek notiesāts.
2 Un ja vainīgais ir pelnījis sitienus, tad lai soģis liek tam nomesties zemē, un soģa klātienē lai tiesas kalps tam dod sitienus skaitā, kas samērā ar viņa vainu.
3 Viņam var dot četrdesmit sitienus, bet vairāk ne, jo, ja to vēl vairāk sistu ar daudz sitieniem, tad tavs ciltsbrālis tiktu pārāk pazemots tavās acīs.
4 Vērsim, kas labību min, tev nebūs purnu aizsiet.
5 Kad brāļi kopā dzīvo un viens no viņiem nomirst un tam nav dēlu, tad tā mirušā sieva lai nekļūst par sievu kādam citam, svešam vīram, bet lai viņas vīra brālis iet pie viņas un ņem sev par sievu, un lai tai dara, kas vīra brālim pienākas.
6 Un pirmdzimušajam, ko viņa dzemdēs, viņam būs dot sava nomirušā brāļa vārdu, lai tā vārds netiek izdzēsts no Israēla vidus.
7 Bet ja šim turam netīk ņemt svaiņiem par sievu, tad lai viņa brāļa sieva iet pie vecajiem vārtos un lai tiem saka: „Mans svainis liedzas atkal uzcelt savam brālim vārdu Israēlā; viņš negrib pildīt svaiņa laulības pienākumu!“
8 Tad lai pilsētas vecaji viņu aicina un lai ar viņu rīmā; bet ja tad viņš nostājas un saka: „Man nepatīk viņu ņemt!“
9 Tad lai viņa svamiene pieiet klāt pie viņa un, vecajiem to redzot, lai tā nomauc viņam no kājas sandali, lai iespļauj tam sejā, nodod savu liecību un skāļā balsī saka: „Tā lai notiek ikkatram vīram, kas sava brāļa namu negribuzcelt!“
10 Un viņa nams lai tiek Israēlā nosaukts baskāju nams. —
11 Kad divi vīri, ciltsbrāļi kaujas savā starpā, viens pret otru, un piesteidzas viena vīra sieva, lai glābtu savu vīru no tā rokas, kas tam sit, un viņa izstiepj savu roku un stipri sagrābj sitēja kaimumu,
12 Tad tev būs viņai to roku nocirst, un tavas acis lai viņu nežēlo!
13 Tev nebūs divējādus atsvarus turēt savā somā—lielus un mazus,
14 Tev nebūs turēt savā namā divējādu labības mēru—lielu un mazu,
15 Bet lai tev ir pilnīgs un taisns svars, un lai tev ir pilnīgs un taisns mērs, lai tu ilgi dzīvo zemē, ko tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tev dos;
16 Jo ikviens, kas to dara, ikviens, kas dara netaisni, tas tam Kungam, tavam Dievam, ir negantība.
17 Piemini, ko tev darīja amalekieši ceļā, kad jūs bijāt izgājuši no Ēģiptes,
18 Kā viņi tev, kad tu virzījies uz priekšu un kad tavējie bija noguruši un slābani, bez bailēm Dieva priekšā uzbruka un visus tos no taviem ļaudīm nogalināja, kuji novājējuma dēļ bija atpalikuši.
19 Kad nu tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, reiz būs tev devis mieru no visiem taviem ienaidniekiem, kas tev ir visapkārt tanī zemē, ko tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, dos tev iegūt par īpašumu, tad amalekiešu piemiņu tev būs izdzēst no pasaules. To neaizmirsti!“
Whipping as Punishment for a Crime
Moses said to Israel:
1-2 Suppose you and someone else each accuse the other of doing something wrong, and you go to court, where the judges decide you are guilty. If your punishment is to be beaten with a whip, one of the judges will order you to lie down, and you will receive the number of lashes you deserve. 3 Forty lashes is the most that you can be given, because more than that might make other Israelites think you are worthless.
Don't Muzzle an Ox
Moses said to Israel:
4 Don't muzzle an ox while it is threshing grain.
A Son for a Dead Brother
Moses said to Israel:
5-6 Suppose two brothers are living on the same property, when one of them dies without having a son to carry on his name. If this happens, his widow must not marry anyone outside the family. Instead, she must marry her late husband's brother, and their first son will be the legal son of the dead man.
7 But suppose the brother refuses to marry the widow. She must go to a meeting of the town leaders at the town gate and say, “My husband died without having a son to carry on his name. And my husband's brother refuses to marry me so I can have a son.”
8 The leaders will call the living brother to the town gate and try to persuade him to marry the widow. But if he doesn't change his mind and marry her, 9 she must go over to him while the town leaders watch. She will pull off one of his sandals and spit in his face, while saying, “That's what happens to a man who won't help provide descendants for his dead brother.” 10 From then on, that man's family will be known as “the family of the man whose sandal was pulled off.”
When Two Men Fight
Moses said to Israel:
11 If two men are fighting, and the wife of one man tries to rescue her husband by grabbing the other man's private parts, 12 you must cut off her hand. Don't have any mercy.
Be Honest in Business
Moses said to Israel:
13-14 Don't try to cheat people by having two sets of weights or measures, one to get more when you are buying, and the other to give less when you are selling. 15 If you weigh and measure things honestly, the Lord your God will let you enjoy a long life in the land he is giving you. 16 But the Lord is disgusted with anyone who cheats or is dishonest.
Wipe Out Amalek
Moses said:
17 People of Israel, do you remember what the Amalekites did to you after you came out of Egypt? 18 You were tired, and they followed along behind, attacking those who could not keep up with the others. This showed that the Amalekites have no respect for God.
19 The Lord your God will help you capture the land, and he will give you peace. But when that day comes, you must wipe out Amalek so completely that no one will remember they ever lived.