1 Un pēc tam notika, ka Dāvids sakāva filistiešus, un viņš tos pakļāva sev, un Dāvids pārņēma valdības grožus no filistiešu rokām.
2 Viņš uzvarēja arī Moābu un, pie zemes nogāzis, viņš moābiešus sadalīja ar mērnieku auklu; viņš nomērīja divi daļas nokaušanai, bet vienu pilnu mērauklas daļu dzīvošanai. Tā Moābs kļuva Dāvida kalps un maksāja meslus.
3 Pēc tam Dāvids uzvarēja Hadadēzeru, Rehoba dēlu, Cobas ķēniņu, kad tas bija izgājis, lai atkal nostiprinātu savu varu pie Eifratas.
4 Un Dāvids saņēma no viņa gūstā tūkstoš septiņsimt jātniekus un divdesmit tūkstoš kājniekus; viņš lika pārgriezt zirgiem kāju dzīslas, bet sev viņš paturēja simts ratu zirgus.
5 Kad nu sirieši no Damaskas nāca Cobas ķēniņam Hadadēzeram palīgā, tad Dāvids no šiem siriešiem nonāvēja divdesmit divus tūkstošus vīru.
6 Un Dāvids novietoja uzraugus Damaskā Sirijā, tā a sirieši kļuva Dāvidam par kalpiem un nesa meslus; un tas Kungs Dāvidam visur palīdzēja, kur vien viņš gāja.
7 Un Dāvids ņēma zelta vairogus, kas bija Hadadēzera galma ļaudīm piederējuši, un viņš lika tos nonest Jeruzālemē.
8 No Hadadēzera pilsētām, Betas un Berotajas, Dāvids paņēma daudz vara.
9 Bet kad Hāmatas ķēniņš Tous dzirdēja, ka Dāvids bija sakāvis visu Hadadēzera karaspēku,
10 Tad Tous sūtīja savu dēlu Jorāmu pie ķēniņa Dāvida, lai apvaicātos par viņa labklāšanos, lai viņu apsveiktu un svētītu, tādēļ ka viņš bija karojis ar Hadadēzera un bija to sakāvis, jo Tous bija Hadadēzera pretinieks; un viņam līdzi bija zelta, sudraba un vafa priekšmeti.
11 Ari tos ķēniņš Dāvids veltīja kā svētītus tam Kungam kopā ar to sudrabu un zeltu, ko viņš bija novēlējis tam Kungam no visām tām tautām, ko viņš bija sev pakļāvis,
12 Proti no Sirijas, no Moāba, no Amona bērniem, no filistiešiem, no amalekiešiem, no Hadadēzera, Rehoba dēla, Cobas ķēniņa, iegūtām mantām.
13 Un Dāvids sev sagādāja jo lielu jaunu slavu, pārnākdams no kaujas, kur viņš pie Sāls ielejas bija sakāvis ēdomiešus, astoņpadsmit tūkstoš vīrus.
14 Un viņš Edomā novietoja uzraugus, tā ka visa Ēdoma zeme bija viņam pakļauta un visi ēdomieši kļuva Dāvidam par kalpiem. Un tas Kungs palīdzēja Dāvidam visur, kur vien viņš gāja.
15 Tā Dāvids valdīja pār visu Israēlu, un Dāvids rūpējas par tiesu un taisnību visā savā tautā.
16 Un Joābs, Cerujas dēls, bija kapaspēka virspavēlnieks, un Jošafats, Ahiluda dēls, bija valsts padomnieks.
17 Un Cadoks, Ahituba dēls, un Abjatars, Ahimelecha dēls, bija priestepi, bet Seraja bija valsts rakstvedis.
18 Un Benaja, Jojadas dēls, bija virsnieks pār krētiešiem un plētiešiem, bet Dāvida dēliem bija priestepu pakāpe.
A List of David's Victories in War
(1 Chronicles 18.1-13)1 Later, David attacked and badly defeated the Philistines. Israel was now free from their control.
2 David also defeated the Moabites. Then he made their soldiers lie down on the ground, and he measured them off with a rope. He would measure off two lengths of the rope and have those men killed, then he would measure off one length and let those men live. The people of Moab had to accept David as their ruler and pay taxes to him.
3 David set out for the Euphrates River to build a monument there. On his way, he defeated the king of Zobah, whose name was Hadadezer the son of Rehob. 4 In the battle, David captured 1,700 cavalry and 20,000 foot soldiers. He also captured war chariots, but he destroyed all but 100 of them. 5 When troops from the Aramean kingdom of Damascus came to help Hadadezer, David killed 22,000 of them. 6 He left some of his soldiers in Damascus, and the Arameans had to accept David as their ruler and pay taxes to him.
Everywhere David went, the Lord helped him win battles.
7 Hadadezer's officers had carried their arrows in gold cases hung over their shoulders, but David took these cases and brought them to Jerusalem. 8 He also took a lot of bronze from the cities of Betah and Berothai, which had belonged to Hadadezer.
9-10 King Toi of Hamath and King Hadadezer had been enemies. So when Toi heard that David had attacked and defeated Hadadezer's whole army, he sent his son Joram to praise and congratulate David. Joram also brought him gifts made of silver, gold, and bronze. 11 David gave these to the Lord, just as he had done with the silver and gold that he had captured from 12 Edom, Moab, Ammon, Philistia, Amalek, and from King Hadadezer of Zobah.
13 David fought the Edomite army in Salt Valley and killed 18,000 of their soldiers. When he returned, he built a monument. 14 David left soldiers all through Edom, and the people of Edom had to accept him as their ruler.
Wherever David went, the Lord helped him.
A List of David's Officials
(1 Chronicles 18.14-17)15 David ruled all Israel with fairness and justice.
16 Joab the son of Zeruiah was the commander in chief of the army.
Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud kept the government records.
17 Zadok the son of Ahitub, and Abiathar the son of Ahimelech, were the priests.
Seraiah was the secretary.
18 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was the commander of David's bodyguard.
David's sons were priests.