1 Furthermore David the king said unto all the congregation, Solomon my son, whom alone God hath chosen, is yet young and tender, and the work is great: for the palace is not for man, but for the LORD God. 2 Now I have prepared with all my might for the house of my God the gold for things to be made of gold, and the silver for things of silver, and the brass for things of brass, the iron for things of iron, and wood for things of wood; onyx stones, and stones to be set, glistering stones, and of divers colours, and all manner of precious stones, and marble stones in abundance. 3 Moreover, because I have set my affection to the house of my God, I have of mine own proper good, of gold and silver, which I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house, 4 Even three thousand talents of gold, of the gold of Ophir, and seven thousand talents of refined silver, to overlay the walls of the houses withal: 5 The gold for things of gold, and the silver for things of silver, and for all manner of work to be made by the hands of artificers. And who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the LORD?
6 ¶ Then the chief of the fathers and princes of the tribes of Israel, and the captains of thousands and of hundreds, with the rulers of the king’s work, offered willingly, 7 And gave for the service of the house of God of gold five thousand talents and ten thousand drams, and of silver ten thousand talents, and of brass eighteen thousand talents, and one hundred thousand talents of iron. 8 And they with whom precious stones were found gave them to the treasure of the house of the LORD, by the hand of Jehiel the Gershonite. 9 Then the people rejoiced, for that they offered willingly, because with perfect heart they offered willingly to the LORD: and David the king also rejoiced with great joy.
10 ¶ Wherefore David blessed the LORD before all the congregation: and David said, Blessed be thou, LORD God of Israel our father, for ever and ever. 11 Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all. 12 Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all. 13 Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name. 14 But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort? for all things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee. 15 For we are strangers before thee, and sojourners, as were all our fathers: our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is none abiding. 16 O LORD our God, all this store that we have prepared to build thee an house for thine holy name cometh of thine hand, and is all thine own. 17 I know also, my God, that thou triest the heart, and hast pleasure in uprightness. As for me, in the uprightness of mine heart I have willingly offered all these things: and now have I seen with joy thy people, which are present here, to offer willingly unto thee. 18 O LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, our fathers, keep this for ever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of thy people, and prepare their heart unto thee: 19 And give unto Solomon my son a perfect heart, to keep thy commandments, thy testimonies, and thy statutes, and to do all these things , and to build the palace, for the which I have made provision.
20 ¶ And David said to all the congregation, Now bless the LORD your God. And all the congregation blessed the LORD God of their fathers, and bowed down their heads, and worshipped the LORD, and the king. 21 And they sacrificed sacrifices unto the LORD, and offered burnt offerings unto the LORD, on the morrow after that day, even a thousand bullocks, a thousand rams, and a thousand lambs, with their drink offerings, and sacrifices in abundance for all Israel: 22 And did eat and drink before the LORD on that day with great gladness. And they made Solomon the son of David king the second time, and anointed him unto the LORD to be the chief governor, and Zadok to be priest.
23 Then Solomon sat on the throne of the LORD as king instead of David his father, and prospered; and all Israel obeyed him. 24 And all the princes, and the mighty men, and all the sons likewise of king David, submitted themselves unto Solomon the king. 25 And the LORD magnified Solomon exceedingly in the sight of all Israel, and bestowed upon him such royal majesty as had not been on any king before him in Israel.
26 ¶ Thus David the son of Jesse reigned over all Israel. 27 And the time that he reigned over Israel was forty years; seven years reigned he in Hebron, and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem. 28 And he died in a good old age, full of days, riches, and honour: and Solomon his son reigned in his stead. 29 Now the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they are written in the book of Samuel the seer, and in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the book of Gad the seer, 30 With all his reign and his might, and the times that went over him, and over Israel, and over all the kingdoms of the countries.
1 Un ķēniņš Dāvids sacīja visai sapulcei: "Mans dēls Salamans, kuru vienu Dievs ir izraudzījis, ir vēl jauneklis un nenobriedis, bet darbs ir liels, jo šis nams nav domāts kādam cilvēkam, bet gan Dievam, Tam Kungam. 2 Tāpēc es esmu ar visu savu spēku sagādājis sava Dieva nama vajadzībām zeltu zelta lietām, sudrabu sudraba lietām, varu vara lietām, dzelzi dzelzs lietām un kokus koka lietām, un dārgakmeņus: oniksa akmeņus, malahītu un raibus akmeņus, un visādus retus, grūti iegūstamus dārgus akmeņus, un daudz marmora. 3 Un turklāt man ir dārgs mana Dieva nams, un man vēl ir īpašumā zelts un sudrabs - un to es novēlu savam Dieva namam klāt pie visa tā, ko es esmu sagādājis svētajam namam, 4 proti: trīs tūkstošus zelta talentu no Ofīras atvestā zelta un septiņus tūkstošus talentu kausēta sudraba, lai ar zelta un sudraba plāksnēm pārklātu namu akmens mūrus un sienas; 5 un zeltu zelta lietām, sudrabu sudraba lietām, visiem darbiem, ko amatnieku rokas darina. Un kam nu vēl ir šodien labs prāts Tam Kungam brīvprātīgi ziedot?" 6 Tad brīvprātīgi deva tēvu namu vadoņi, Israēla cilšu vadoņi, virsnieki pār tūkstošiem un virsnieki pār simtiem, un ķēniņa darba pārziņi, 7 un viņi nodeva Dieva nama celšanas darbiem piecus tūkstošus talentu zelta, desmit tūkstošus dareiku zeltā, desmit tūkstošus sudraba talentu, astoņpadsmit tūkstošus vara talentu un simts tūkstošus dzelzs talentu. 8 Un, kam piederēja dārgakmeņi, tie tos nodeva Tā Kunga nama dārgumu krātuvē geršonieša Jehiēla rokā. 9 Tad tauta priecājās, dodama labprātīgi, jo tie deva no visas sirds Tam Kungam ar labu prātu; arī ķēniņš Dāvids priecājās ar lielu prieku. 10 Un Dāvids teica un slavēja To Kungu visas sapulces priekšā, un Dāvids sacīja: "Slavēts esi Tu, Kungs, mūsu tēva Israēla Dievs, mūžīgi mūžos! 11 Jo Tev, ak, Kungs, pieder augstība un vara, godība, slava un varenība; it viss, kas ir debesīs un virs zemes, tas pieder Tev! Tava ir, ak, Kungs, valstība, un Tu pacelies pāri kā galva pār visiem! 12 Un bagātība un gods nāk no Tevis, un Tu esi valdītājs pār visu, un Tavā rokā ir spēks un vara, un Tava roka paaugstina un dara stipru. 13 Un nu tagad mēs esam tie, kas Tev pateicamies, un tie, kas slavējam Tavas godības Vārdu; 14 jo kas es esmu, un kas ir mana tauta, ka mēs paši labprātīgi spētu dot tādus ziedojumus? Bet viss ir no Tevis, un no Tavas rokas mēs Tev dodam! 15 Jo mēs esam svešinieki un piedzīvotāji tavā priekšā kā visi mūsu tēvi; mūsu dienas virs zemes ir kā ēna, un tur nav cerības! 16 Kungs, mūsu Dievs, visa šī bagātība, ko esam sakrājuši, lai Tev uzceltu namu Tavam svētajam Vārdam, - tā ir nākusi no Tavas rokas, un Tev tas atkal tiek nodots! 17 Bet es zinu, mans Dievs, ka Tu pārbaudi sirdi un ka Tev labi patīk tie, kas ir atklāti; un pēc sava atklātā sirdsprāta es visu šo esmu labprātīgi devis, un nu es redzu arī Tavu tautu, kas ir šeit un kas Tev ziedo ar prieku un no laba prāta. 18 Ak, Kungs, mūsu tēvu Ābrahāma, Īzāka un Israēla Dievs, pasargi uz mūžīgiem laikiem tādu prātu un sirdi Savai tautai un vadi viņu sirdis pie Sevis! 19 Un dod manam dēlam Salamanam nedalītu sirdi, ka viņš turētu Tavas pavēles, Tavas liecības un Tavus likumus un tos darītu, un uzceltu šo namu, kā es esmu to noteicis!" 20 Un Dāvids sacīja visai sapulcei: "Teiciet To Kungu, savu Dievu!" Un visa sapulce teica svētu esam To Kungu, savu tēvu Dievu, un viņi noliecās un metās uz sava vaiga pie zemes Tā Kunga un ķēniņa priekšā. 21 Un nākamajā dienā viņi upurēja Tam Kungam kaujamos upurus un nesa Tam Kungam dedzināmos upurus - tūkstoš vēršus, tūkstoš aunus un tūkstoš jērus kopā ar viņu atnesto dzeramo upuri un kaujamo lopu upuriem jo lielā vairumā no visa Israēla. 22 Tie ēda un dzēra šinī dienā Tā Kunga priekšā pilni liela prieka. Un tie cēla Salamanu, Dāvida dēlu, otrreiz par ķēniņu un svaidīja viņu Tā Kunga priekšā par vadoni un Cadoku par priesteri. 23 Tā Salamans sēdās Tā Kunga tronī kā ķēniņš sava tēva Dāvida vietā, un viņš guva sekmes, un viss Israēls viņam klausīja. 24 Un visi pavaldoņi, visi varonīgie karotāji un arī visi ķēniņa Dāvida dēli pakļāva savu varu ķēniņa Salamana varai. 25 Un Tas Kungs augstu cēla Salamanu pāri citiem, visam Israēlam to redzot, un Viņš tam piešķīra tādu ķēniņa varas godību, kāda vēl nekad nebija tikusi piešķirta nevienam ķēniņam pār Israēlu pirms viņa. 26 Tā Dāvids, Īsaja dēls, bija valdījis pār visu Israēlu. 27 Un tas laiks, cik ilgi viņš valdīja pār Israēlu, bija četrdesmit gadi; Hebronā viņš valdīja septiņus gadus, bet Jeruzālemē viņš valdīja trīsdesmit trīs gadus. 28 Un viņš nomira lielā vecumā, diezgan piedzīvojis mūža dienu, bagātības un goda, un viņa dēls Salamans kļuva ķēniņš viņa vietā. 29 Bet ķēniņa Dāvida darbi, no pirmajiem līdz pat beidzamajiem, redzi, tie ir ierakstīti redzētāja Samuēla grāmatā un pravieša Nātāna grāmatā, un arī redzētāja Gada grāmatā 30 līdz ar visu viņa valdīšanu un varu un laikiem, kas nāca pār viņu un pār Israēlu, un pār visu zemju ķēniņu valstīm.